FrancisC and ChrisB


is a number out of 100 and percent can also mean part per hundred


Example :12%     




How to convert a fraction to a percent

- divide the numerator of the fraction by the denominator or divide top by bottom, then move the decimal 2 places to the right

For example







How to convert a Percent into a Fraction

- Remove the percent sign, Make a fraction with the percent as the numerator and 100 as the denominator

- Or Just add a hundred under the percent to make it into a fraction. 



For example:







How to Convert a Decimal to a Percent

- Multiply the decimal by 100 

For example : 3.25 x 100 = 325%





How to Convert a Percent to a Decimal

- Divide the percent by 100

For example 75 divided by 100 = 0.75







Click below to play the percent quiz Game